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SQL Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '05, victories = victories + 1, effectiveness = 100 / all_games * vic' at line 4 at /www/vcontre/www/htdocs/classes/modules/clans/mapper/Clans.mapper.class.php line 682
Array ( => 1064 [message] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '05, victories = victories + 1, effectiveness = 100 / all_games * vic' at line 4 [query] => UPDATE prefix_clans SET all_games = all_games + 1, rating = rating + 0,05, victories = victories + 1, effectiveness = 100 / all_games * victories WHERE name_url = 'dlg_clan' [context] => /www/vcontre/www/htdocs/classes/modules/clans/mapper/Clans.mapper.class.php line 68
сам фаил Clans.mapper.class.php
<?php /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @Module Name: Clans * @Description: ClanWars for LiveStreet * @Version: 1.0 * @Author: trim06 * @LiveStreet Version: 0.3.1 * @File Name: Clans.mapper.class.php * @License: GNU GPL v2, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class Mapper_Clans extends Mapper { public function GetClanUsers($clanId) { $sql = "SELECT u.* FROM ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_USERS." as cf, ".DB_TABLE_USER." as u WHERE clan_id = ?d AND cf.user_id = u.user_id AND u.user_activate = 1 ORDER BY u.user_login; "; $aUsers=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql,$clanId)) { foreach ($aRows as $aUser) { $aUsers[]=new UserEntity_User($aUser); } } return $aUsers; } public function AddClanUser($clanId,$userId) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_USERS.' (clan_id, user_id ) VALUES(?d, ?d)'; if($this->oDb->query($sql,$clanId,$userId)) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' SET people_count = people_count+1 WHERE id = ?d'; if ($this->oDb->query($sql, $clanId)){ return true; } return false; } return false; } public function RemoveClanUser($clanId,$userId) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_USERS.' WHERE clan_id=?d AND user_id=?d'; if($this->oDb->query($sql,$clanId,$userId)) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' SET people_count = people_count-1 WHERE id = ?d'; if ($this->oDb->query($sql, $clanId)){ return true; } return true; } return false; } public function IsInClan($clanId,$userId) { $sql = "SELECT clan_id FROM ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_USERS." WHERE clan_id=?d AND user_id=?d"; if ($aRows=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $clanId,$userId)) { return true; } return false; } public function GetClansForUserId($userId){ $sql = "SELECT cl.* FROM ".DB_TABLE_CLANS." cl, ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_USERS. " clu WHERE clu.clan_id = cl.id AND clu.user_id = ?d"; $aReturn=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql,$userId)) { foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aReturn[]=new ClansEntity_Clan($aRow); } } return $aReturn; } public function GetClanByOwnerId2($owner_id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_TABLE_CLANS." WHERE owner_id = ?d"; if ($aRow=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql,$owner_id)) { return new ClansEntity_Clan($aRow); } return null; } public function AddClan($ownerId, $clanName, $nameUrl, $clanPeople, $clanDesc, $urlHomePage, $pathAvatar) { $clanPeopleCount = count(explode(',', $clanPeople)); $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' (owner_id, name, name_url, people, people_count, description, reg_date, avator, url_home_page ) VALUES(?d, ?, ?, ?, ?d, ?, NOW(), ?, ?) '; if($clanId = $this->oDb->query($sql, $ownerId, $clanName, $nameUrl, $clanPeople, $clanPeopleCount, $clanDesc, $pathAvatar, $urlHomePage)) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_USERS. '( clan_id, user_id) VALUES (?d, ?d)'; $this->oDb->query($sql,$clanId,$ownerId); $this->DropInviteClanCreate($ownerId); return true; } return false; } public function UpdateClan($clanId, $ownerId, $clanPeople, $clanName, $nameUrl, $clanDesc, $urlHomePage, $pathAvatar) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' SET name = ?, name_url = ?, people = ?, description = ?,'. (($pathAvatar) ? "avator = '".$pathAvatar."'," : ''). 'url_home_page = ?, people_count = ?d WHERE owner_id = ?d AND id = ?d '; $clanPeopleCount = count(explode(',', $clanPeople)); if ($this->oDb->query($sql, $clanName, $nameUrl, $clanPeople, $clanDesc, $urlHomePage, $clanPeopleCount, $ownerId, $clanId)) { return true; } return false; } public function GetClans($status,&$iCount,$iCurrPage,$iPerPage) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' WHERE status=?d AND id NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_BANS.' WHERE ban_active=1 GROUP BY clan_id) ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT ?d, ?d'; $status = ($status=='good') ? 0 : 1; if($aRows=$this->oDb->selectPage($iCount, $sql, $status, ($iCurrPage-1)*$iPerPage, $iPerPage)) { return $aRows; } return null; } public function GetBannedClans(&$iCount,$iCurrPage,$iPerPage) { $sql = 'SELECT c.* FROM (SELECT clan_id FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_BANS.' WHERE ban_active=1 GROUP BY clan_id) as cb JOIN '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' as c ON c.id=cb.clan_id ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT ?d, ?d'; if($aRows=$this->oDb->selectPage($iCount, $sql, ($iCurrPage-1)*$iPerPage, $iPerPage)) { return $aRows; } return null; } public function GetClanById($id) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' WHERE id = ?d'; if ($aRows=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $id)) { return $aRows; } return null; } public function GetClanByName($name) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' WHERE name = ?'; if ($aRows=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $name)) { return $aRows; } return null; } public function GetClanByNameUrl($name) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' WHERE name_url = ?'; if ($aRows=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $name)) { return $aRows; } return null; } public function GetClanByOwnerId($ownerId) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' WHERE owner_id = ?d'; if ($aRows=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $ownerId)) { return $aRows; } return null; } public function isModeratorClans($id) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_MODERATORS.' WHERE moderator_id = ?d'; if ($aRows=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $id)) { return $aRows['moderator_id']; } return null; } public function GetModeredCount($id) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_MODERATORS.' WHERE moderator_id = ?d'; if ($aRows=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $id)) { return $aRows['modered_count']; } return null; } public function ModeratorClansAdd($id, $moderator_name) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_MODERATORS.' (moderator_id, moderator_name ) VALUES(?d, ?) '; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $id, $moderator_name)) { return true; } return false; } public function ModeratorClansDel($id) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_MODERATORS.' WHERE moderator_id = ?d'; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $id)) { return true; } return false; } public function getClansModerators() { $sql = 'SELECT cm.moderator_id, u.user_login, u.user_profile_avatar, u.user_profile_avatar_type FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_MODERATORS.' as cm JOIN '.DB_TABLE_USER.' as u ON cm.moderator_id=u.user_id'; $aModers = array(); if($aRows = $this->oDb->select($sql)) { foreach ($aRows as $aUser) { $aModers[]=new ClansEntity_ClanModerators($aUser); } return $aModers; } return null; } public function BanClan(ClansEntity_ClanBan $oBan) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' SET status = ?d, bannedtime = ? WHERE id = ?d '; if($this->oDb->query($sql,$oBan->isActive(), $oBan->getBanExpired(), $oBan->getClanId())) { return true; } return false; } /* public function BanClan($clanId, $bantime) { if(preg_match('/(\d{2})\.(\d{2})\.(\d{4})/', $bantime, $time)) { $bantime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $time[2], $time[1], $time[3]); $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' SET status = ?d, bannedtime = ? WHERE id = ?d '; if($this->oDb->query($sql,1, $bantime, $clanId)) { return true; } } return false; } */ public function ClanBan(ClansEntity_ClanBan $oBan) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_BANS.' (clan_id, ban_date, ban_expired, ban_comment, moder_id, ban_unlim, ban_active ) VALUES(?d, ?, ?, ?, ?d, ?d, ?d) '; if($this->oDb->query($sql,$oBan->getClanId(),$oBan->getBanDate(),$oBan->getBanExpired(),$oBan->getBanComment(),$oBan->getModerId(),$oBan->isUnlimited(),$oBan->isActive())) { return true; } return false; } public function ClanUnban($clanId) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_BANS.' SET ban_active = ?d WHERE clan_id = ?d and ban_active=1 '; if($this->oDb->query($sql, 0, $clanId)) { return true; } return false; } /* *удалить */ public function unBanClan($clanId) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' SET status = ?d WHERE id = ?d and status=1 '; if($this->oDb->query($sql, 0, $clanId)) { return true; } return false; } public function unBanClans() { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' SET status = 0 WHERE bannedtime <= ? '; if($this->oDb->query($sql, time() )) { return true; } return false; } public function ClansUnban() { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_BANS.' SET ban_active = 0 WHERE ban_expired <= ? AND ban_active=1 AND ban_unlim <> 1 '; if($this->oDb->query($sql, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"))) { return true; } return false; } public function DeleteClan($id) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' WHERE id = ?d'; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $id)) { return true; } return false; } public function AddWar($ownerId, $ownerContact, $nameGame, $maps, $server, $serverLocation, $serverPassword, $vscount, $dateadd, $sname) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' (owner_id, owner_contact, name_game, maps, server, server_location, server_password, vscount, date_create, status_name ) VALUES(?d, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) '; if($id = $this->oDb->query($sql, $ownerId, $ownerContact, $nameGame, $maps, $server, $serverLocation, $serverPassword, $vscount,$dateadd,$sname)) { return $id; } return false; } public function getWars() { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS; if($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql)) { return $aRows; } return null; } public function getWarsByStatus($status,&$iCount,$iCurrPage,$iPerPage) { $aWars = array(); switch($status) { case 'all': break; case 'agreed': $status = 1; break; case 'onmod': $status = 2; break; case 'pas': $status = 3; break; case 'deleted': $status = 4; break; default: $status = 0; break; } $sql = 'SELECT cw.*, c.owner_id, c.name, c.name_url, c.avator, c.rating, cr.owner_id, cr.name as name_rival, cr.name_url as name_url_rival, cr.avator as avator_rival, cr.rating as rating_rival FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' as c, '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' as cw LEFT JOIN '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' AS cr ON cr.owner_id = cw.rival_id WHERE c.owner_id = cw.owner_id '.(($status!=='all') ? 'AND cw.status = '.$status : '').' ORDER BY cw.id DESC LIMIT ?d, ?d '; if($aRows=$this->oDb->selectPage($iCount, $sql, ($iCurrPage-1)*$iPerPage, $iPerPage)) { return $aRows; } return null; } public function getWarsByIdOwnerClan($owner_id,&$iCount,$iCurrPage,$iPerPage) { $aWars = array(); $sql = 'SELECT cw.*, c.owner_id, c.name, c.name_url, c.avator, c.rating, cr.owner_id, cr.name as name_rival, cr.name_url as name_url_rival, cr.avator as avator_rival, cr.rating as rating_rival FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' as c, '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' as cw LEFT JOIN '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' AS cr ON cr.owner_id = cw.rival_id WHERE c.owner_id = cw.owner_id AND (cw.rival_id = ?d OR cw.owner_id = ?d) ORDER BY cw.id DESC LIMIT ?d, ?d '; if($aRows=$this->oDb->selectPage($iCount, $sql, $owner_id, $owner_id,($iCurrPage-1)*$iPerPage, $iPerPage)) { return $aRows; } return null; } public function getWarById($id) { $sql = 'SELECT cw.*, c.name, c.name_url, c.avator, c.rating, cr.name as name_rival, cr.name_url as name_url_rival, cr.avator as avator_rival, cr.rating as rating_rival FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' as c, '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' as cw LEFT JOIN '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' AS cr ON cr.owner_id = cw.rival_id WHERE c.owner_id = cw.owner_id AND cw.id = ?d'; if($aRows=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $id)) { return $aRows; } return null; } public function setStatusWar($id_war, $id_status, $name_status, $owner_id=0,$date_confirm=0) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' SET status = ?d, status_name = ?' .($date_confirm ? ',date_confirm ="'.$date_confirm.'"' : '').' WHERE id = ?d '. ($owner_id ? 'and owner_id='.(int)$owner_id.' and rival_id IS NOT NULL and status=0' : ''); if($this->oDb->query($sql, $id_status, $name_status, $id_war)) { return true; } return null; } public function WarJoin($id_war, $id_rival, $comment) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' SET rival_id = ?d, join_comment = ? WHERE id = ?d and rival_id IS NULL and owner_id != ?d and status=0'; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $id_rival, $comment, $id_war, $id_rival)) { return true; } return null; } public function WarDeJoin($id_war, $id_rival) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' SET rival_id = NULL, join_comment = NULL WHERE id = ?d and rival_id = ?d and status=0'; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $id_war, $id_rival)) { return true; } return null; } public function WarOwnerDeJoin($id_war, $id_owner) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' SET rival_id = NULL, join_comment = NULL WHERE id = ?d and owner_id = ?d and status=0'; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $id_war, $id_owner)) { return true; } return null; } public function WarDelete($id_war) { $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")+COUNT_DAY_DELETE_CLANWARS, date("Y")); $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' SET deltime = ? WHERE id = ?d '; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $time, $id_war)) { return true; } return false; } public function WarDeleteByIdAndOwnerId($id_war, $owner_id) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' WHERE id = ?d AND owner_id = ?d '; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $id_war, $owner_id)) { return true; } return false; } public function WarsDelete() { $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' WHERE status=4 and date_moderated <= ?'; if($this->oDb->query($sql,date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()-(10*24*60*60)) )) { return true; } return false; } public function WarOwnerComment($id_war, $demo, $comment, $id_owner) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' SET demo_url_owner = ?, comment_owner = ? WHERE id = ?d and owner_id = ?d and demo_url_owner IS NULL and comment_owner IS NULL and (status=1 or status=2)'; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $demo, $comment, $id_war, $id_owner)) { return true; } return null; } public function WarRivalComment($id_war, $demo, $comment, $id_rival) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' SET demo_url_rival = ?, comment_rival = ? WHERE id = ?d and rival_id = ?d and demo_url_rival IS NULL and comment_rival IS NULL and (status=1 or status=2)'; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $demo, $comment, $id_war, $id_rival)) { return true; } return null; } public function WarSetWin($id_war, $name_clan_win, $name_clan_lost, $back = false) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' SET all_games = all_games + 1, rating = rating + '.RATING_UP_WHEN_VICTORY.', victories = victories + 1, effectiveness = 100 / all_games * victories WHERE name_url = ?'; if(!$this->oDb->query($sql, $name_clan_win)) { return false; } $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' SET all_games = all_games + 1, rating = rating - '.RATING_DOWN_WHEN_LESION.', lesions = lesions + 1, effectiveness = 100 / all_games * victories WHERE name_url = ?'; if(!$this->oDb->query($sql, $name_clan_lost)) { return false; } $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' SET win_clan_name = ? WHERE id = ?'.($back ? NULL : ' AND win_clan_name IS NULL'); if($this->oDb->query($sql, $name_clan_win, $id_war)) { return true; } return false; } public function WarResetWin($id_war, $name_clan_win, $name_clan_lost) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' SET all_games = all_games - 1, rating = rating - '.RATING_UP_WHEN_VICTORY.', victories = victories - 1, effectiveness = 100 / all_games * victories WHERE name_url = ?'; if(!$this->oDb->query($sql, $name_clan_win)) { return false; } $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS.' SET all_games = all_games - 1, rating = rating + '.RATING_DOWN_WHEN_LESION.', lesions = lesions - 1, effectiveness = 100 / all_games * victories WHERE name_url = ?'; if(!$this->oDb->query($sql, $name_clan_lost)) { return false; } return true; } public function GetCountEmptyWarsByOwnerId($id) { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) as count FROM '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' WHERE rival_id IS NULL and owner_id = ?d and status != 4 '; if($Row = $this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $id)) { return $Row['count']; } return null; } public function SetModered($id, $moder_name,$date_moderated) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_WARS.' SET modered = ?, date_moderated=? WHERE id = ?d AND modered IS NULL '; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $moder_name, $date_moderated, $id)) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.DB_TABLE_CLANS_MODERATORS.' SET modered_count = modered_count + 1 WHERE moderator_name = ? '; $this->oDb->query($sql, $moder_name); return true; } return false; } public function GetIdTalksByUserIdAndTitle($sendUserId, $title) { $sql = 'SELECT t.talk_id FROM '.DB_TABLE_TALK.' as t, '.DB_TABLE_TALK_USER.' as u WHERE t.talk_id = u.talk_id and t.user_id = ?d and t.talk_title = ? '; if($iId = $this->oDb->selectRow($sql, $sendUserId, $title)) { return $iId['talk_id']; } return false; } public function GetRelationClanUsers($sUserLogin) { $sql = "SELECT id, name, name_url FROM ".DB_TABLE_CLANS." WHERE people LIKE BINARY ? ORDER by id asc; "; $aClans=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql,'%'.$sUserLogin.'%')) { foreach ($aRows as $aClan) { $aClans[]=new ClansEntity_ClanUser($aClan); } } return $aClans; } public function GetClansByOwnerId($iUserId) { $sql = "SELECT id, name, name_url, avator FROM ".DB_TABLE_CLANS." WHERE owner_id = ?d ORDER by id asc; "; $aClans=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql,$iUserId)) { foreach ($aRows as $aClan) { $aClans[]=new ClansEntity_ClanUser($aClan); } } return $aClans; } public function GetClanBanByClanId($sClanId,$iBan) { $sql = "SELECT u.user_login, cb.* FROM ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_BANS." as cb JOIN ".DB_TABLE_USER." as u ON u.user_id=cb.moder_id WHERE cb.clan_id =? ORDER by cb.ban_date desc LIMIT 0, ?d ; "; $aReturn=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->select($sql,$sClanId,$iBan)) { foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aReturn[]=new ClansEntity_ClanBan($aRow); } } return $aReturn; } public function GetCurrentBanByClanId($iClanId) { $sql = "SELECT u.user_login, cb.* FROM ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_BANS." as cb JOIN ".DB_TABLE_USER." as u ON u.user_id=cb.moder_id WHERE cb.clan_id =? AND cb.ban_active=1 ORDER by cb.id desc LIMIT 1 ; "; if ($aRow=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql,$iClanId)) { return new ClansEntity_ClanBan($aRow); } return null; } public function GetRequestByUserId($iUserId) { $sql = " SELECT user_id FROM ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_REQUEST." WHERE user_id = ?d "; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $iUserId)) { return true; } return false; } public function AddRequestClanCreate(ClansEntity_ClanRequest $oRequest) { $sql=" INSERT INTO ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_REQUEST." (user_id, request_date_add, request_moderated) VALUES (?d, ?, ?)"; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $oRequest->getUserId(), $oRequest->getRequestDateAdd(), $oRequest->getRequestModerated())===0) { return true; } return false; } public function GetRequestsClanCreate(&$iCount,$iCurrPage,$iPerPage) { $sql = "SELECT u.* FROM ".DB_TABLE_USER." as u JOIN ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_REQUEST." AS cr ON cr.user_id = u.user_id WHERE cr.request_moderated = 0 ORDER BY cr.request_date_add DESC LIMIT ?d, ?d "; $aReturn=array(); if ($aRows=$this->oDb->selectPage($iCount,$sql,($iCurrPage-1)*$iPerPage, $iPerPage)) { foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aReturn[]=new UserEntity_User($aRow); } } return $aReturn; } public function GetCountRequestClanCreate() { $sql = "SELECT count(u.user_id) as count FROM ".DB_TABLE_USER." as u JOIN ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_REQUEST." AS cr ON cr.user_id = u.user_id WHERE cr.request_moderated = 0"; $result=$this->oDb->selectRow($sql); return $result['count']; } public function UpdateRequestClanCreate(ClansEntity_ClanRequest $oRequest) { $sql=" UPDATE ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_REQUEST." SET request_moderated = ? WHERE user_id = ?d "; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $oRequest->getRequestModerated(), $oRequest->getUserId())) { return true; } return false; } public function CheckInviteClan($iUserId) { $sql = " SELECT request_moderated FROM ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_REQUEST." WHERE user_id = ?d "; if($aResult=$this->oDb->query($sql, $iUserId)) { return $aResult['0']; } else { return false; } } public function DropInviteClanCreate($iUserId) { $sql = " DELETE FROM ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_REQUEST." WHERE user_id = ?d "; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $iUserId)) { return true; } return false; } public function DropOldRequest($date) { $sql = " DELETE FROM ".DB_TABLE_CLANS_REQUEST." WHERE request_date_add <= ? AND request_moderated = 0 "; if($this->oDb->query($sql, $date)) { return true; } return false; } } ?>
rating = rating + 0,05
нужно 0.05
rating = rating + 0,05
немогу найти даже таких строк
vasya помогите я заплачу если что
вот моя icq 411967032
Отредактированно snezhok11 (03.10.2010 21:16:09)
public function WarSetWin($id_war, $name_clan_win, $name_clan_lost, $back = false)
all_games = all_games + 1,
rating = rating + '.RATING_UP_WHEN_VICTORY.',
Ну а где у вас определяется RATING_UP_WHEN_VICTORY это вы определяете сами (тем более, что нее в данном файле)
Вопросы по PHP обсуждаются на webew.ru
Вам же несложно испарвить ошибку.Вы же разбираетесь.Мой прогер кудато делся,я уже 3-ий день немогу найти человека кто бы мне помог.
я отплачу отпишите мне в icq 411967032
все спасибо проблема решена